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Android TV

Get AppConsent TV SDK​

To add the AppConsent SDK to your Android project, follow the steps below :

Declaration of the repository​

Gradle <6.8​

In the build.gradle file at the root of your project, add the following:

repositories {
maven {
url ""
// To test TCFv2.2
maven {
url ""

Gradle >=6.8​

In your settings.gradle file, at the root of your project, add the following :

dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
// To test TCFv2.2
maven {
url ""

Library integration​

In your application build.gradle add the following:

dependencies { 
implementation 'com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv:${currentTvVersion}'

Where currentTvVersion = 1.1.48

To test the new TCF2.2 implementation, please use this dependency
dependencies { 

How to use AppConsent​

1. Get your AppKey from AppConsent :​


2. Create AppConsentTV​


class MainActivity : Activity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

val appConsent = AppConsentTV(
context = this,
appKey = "YOUR_APP_KEY"
) {
To test the new TCF2.2 integration, please use this snippet

class MainActivity : FragmentActivity() {

private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding

private var appConsent: com.sfbx.appconsent.AppConsent? = null
private var appKey: String = "{APP_KEY}"

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)

Shows whether the SDK has already been initialized
if (! {
appKey = appKey,
) {
Use the instance received by the onReady callback
This has been successfully initialized
appConsent = it

Registers with CMP callback to know when the user
has given consent, or if an error has occurred
it.setOnPresentNoticeListener(object : OnPresentNoticeListener {
override fun presentConsentGiven() {
The user has given his consent

override fun presentConsentError(error: Throwable?) {
An error has occurred
Try to display the CMP according to certain rules.
it.tryDisplayNotice(false).takeIf { !it }?.let {
The user has already given consent;
The user is not part of an area subject to the application of GDPR;
"The CMP didn't displayed because of no need to do that (maybe language, no need to update, etc.)",
if (appConsent == null) {
Retrieves the AppConsent instance or null if it has not yet been instantiated, for example
appConsent =

3. Then use appConsent object​

  • Check if user gave consent

Return true if consent is given, false otherwise.

  • Consent listener
Add Listener​
appConsent.addNoticeListener(object : AppConsentNoticeListener { 
override fun onConsentGiven() {
// ...

override fun onError(error: AppConsentError) {
// ...
Remove Listener​

Every time consent is updated, a new event will be fired in AppConsentNoticeListener.

  • Display CMP notice
appConsent.presentNotice(false) // display CMP notice only if needed
appConsent.presentNotice(true) // force to display CMP notice

presentNotice(force : Boolean) is a local method that only check cache. See checkForUpdate() to fetch a notice update

  • Consentable allowed

Return true if consentable with id = 1 and consentableType = 0 is allowed, false otherwise. The id to pass is the iabId of your purpose and the consentableType is the type, e.g: purpose = 0 .

  • Stack Allowed

Return true if stack with id = 1 is allowed, false otherwise.

  • Vendor allowed

Return true if vendor with id = 1 is allowed, false otherwise.

  • Set consentable status
mapOf(1 to ConsentStatus.ALLOWED, 2 to ConsentStatus.DISALLOWED),
object : AppConsentSetConsentableConsentsCallback {
override fun onSuccess() {
// ...

override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
// ...

Set consentables status, save it and send it to server.

  • Check for update
appConsent.checkForUpdate(object : AppConsentUpdateCallback {
override fun onResult(updated: Boolean) {
// ...

override fun onError(t: Throwable?) {
// ...

Check if consent must be updated (new gvl version, new consentables...).

  • Clear consents

Clear consents on mobile, but not on server.

  • Set external data
val map = mapOf<String, Any>("externalId" to "abze23", "otherData" to "{\"name\": \"test\"}")

Set external data and send it to server.

  • Get external data
val map: Map<String, Any> = appConsent.getExternalData()

4. Retrieve your consents​

Your consents are saved in SharedPreferences of your TV application. To know more about keys used to save your consents, please refer to the IAB documentation.