
public interface AppConsent

The interface contract that allows you to interact with CMP


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public abstract Boolean allConsentablesAllowed()

Finds out whether all consent items have been accepted by the user

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public abstract Boolean allStacksAllowed()

Finds out whether all stack items have been accepted by the user

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public abstract Boolean allVendorsAllowed()

Finds out whether all vendor items have been accepted by the user

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public abstract Unit checkForUpdate(Function1<Boolean, Unit> onResult, Function1<Throwable, Unit> error)

Check if update is needed. For example, if your Notice has been updated If called prior to user giving a consent returns false

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public abstract Unit clearCache()

Clear all applications SharedPreferences

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public abstract Unit clearConsent()

Clear user consent stored locally in applications SharedPreferences

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public abstract Boolean consentableAllowed(Integer iabId, ACConsentableType consentableType)

Checks whether a consent has been authorized

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public abstract Boolean consentGiven()

Check if user gave consent

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public abstract Boolean extraConsentableAllowed(String extraId)

Checks whether an extra consent has been authorized

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public abstract Boolean extraFloatingAllowed(String extraId)

Shows whether or not floating purpose has been authorized for a given extraId.

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public abstract Boolean extraVendorAllowed(String extraId)

Checks whether a Extra Vendor has been authorized

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public abstract Boolean geolocationConsentGiven()

Check if user gave consent for Geolocation purpose

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Returns a list of consentables

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public abstract Map<String, Boolean> getAllExtraVendors(ACConsentStatus consentStatus)

Return a list of all Extra Vendors

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public abstract Map<String, String> getExternalIds()

Retrieves the list of your external id's, previously stored

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public abstract String getUserId()

Get the advertising id used by Appconsent. if isLimitedTrackingEnabled() == false, it will be Provider (Google, Amazon, etc.) ADID otherwise a random UUID

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public abstract Boolean isFloatingNeedUpdate()

Find out if your Floating Purpose needs updating or not

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Finds out whether or not the user has explicitly limited his or her advertising tracking

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public abstract Boolean isSubjectToGDPR()

Return true if user is subject to GDPR. It depends on forceApplyGDPR into and phone's locale.

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public abstract Unit save(Function1<Boolean, Unit> onResult, Function1<Throwable, Unit> onError)

Saves the current state of user selections made on the CMP to the server

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public abstract Unit saveExternalIds(Function0<Unit> success, Function1<Throwable, Unit> failed)

Send the external ids you have stored to the server. setExternalIds

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public abstract Unit saveFloatingPurposes(Map<String, Boolean> floatingPurposes, Function0<Unit> success, Function1<Throwable, Unit> failed)

Send and save your floatingpurposes on the server.

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public abstract Unit setConsentableConsents(Map<Integer, ACConsentStatus> consents, Function0<Unit> success, Function1<Throwable, Unit> error)

Defines the new status of consentables passed in parameter.

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public abstract Unit setExternalIds(Map<String, String> externalIds)

Store a set of external id's to allow you to send them to the server later with the saveExternalIds method.

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public abstract Unit setExtraConsentableConsents(    Map<String, ACConsentStatus> consents,     Function0<Unit> success,     Function1<Throwable, Unit> error)

Defines the new status of extra consentables passed in parameter.

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public abstract Unit setOnPresentNoticeListener(OnPresentNoticeListener onPresentNoticeListener)

Set a listener to be notified when user has given his consent

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public abstract Boolean stackAllowed(Integer stackId)

Checks whether a stack has been authorized

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public abstract Boolean tryToDisplayNotice(Boolean force)

Try to display the CMP; display is controlled by functional rules

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public abstract Boolean userAcceptAll()

Finds out whether all consent, stack, vendor items have been accepted by the user

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public abstract Boolean vendorAllowed(Integer vendorIabId)

Checks whether a IAB Vendor has been authorized