CMP entry point. This allows you to initiate the CMP when you need it, and to check that it has been properly initialized and started.
Once this has been done, all you need to do is retrieve the com.sfbx.appconsent.AppConsent object from the onReady Callback into AppConsentSDK.initialize method and display the CMP to your users.
Finds out whether all consent items have been accepted by the user
Finds out whether all stack items have been accepted by the user
Finds out whether all vendor items have been accepted by the user
Clear all applications SharedPreferences
Clear user consent stored locally in applications SharedPreferences
Checks whether a consent has been authorized
Check if user gave consent
Checks whether an extra consent has been authorized
Shows whether or not floating purpose has been authorized for a given extraId.
Checks whether a Extra Vendor has been authorized
WARNING! Please do not use this method unless our CMP logs webview error during your development phase.
Check if user gave consent for Geolocation purpose
Returns a list of consentables
Return a list of all Extra Vendors
Retrieves the list of your external id's, previously stored
This method shows the current status of GCMv2 (Google Consent Mode V2).
Retrieves the CMP if it has been initialized
The main method, which allows you to initialize AppConsent with a default configuration or a custom configuration ACConfiguration like theme AppConsentTVTheme or force the application of GRPD whatever the region for example. By default, you will only need the appKey provided by the SFBX platform AND the callback onReady.
Finds out whether all consent items have been allowed by the user. If, on the other hand, consent items are present, then processing will be carried out and false will be returned if at least one of them is not allowed.
Finds out whether all consent items have been disallowed by the user. If, on the other hand, consent items are present, then processing will be carried out and false will be returned if at least one of them is not disallowed.
Finds out whether all stacks have been allowed by the user. If, on the other hand, stacks are present, then processing will be carried out and false will be returned if at least one of them is not allowed.
Finds out whether all stacks have been disallowed by the user. If, on the other hand, stacks are present, then processing will be carried out and false will be returned if at least one of them is not disallowed.
Finds out whether all vendors have been allowed by the user. If, on the other hand, vendors are present, then processing will be carried out and false will be returned if at least one of them is not allowed.
Finds out whether all vendors have been disallowed by the user. If, on the other hand, vendors are present, then processing will be carried out and false will be returned if at least one of them is not disallowed.
Find out if your Floating Purpose needs updating or not
Finds out whether or not the user has explicitly limited his or her advertising tracking
Find out whether the CMP has already been initialized, and if so, enable you to retrieve it and start/continue using it.
Shows whether the CMP is being initialized
WARNING! Please do not use this method unless our CMP logs webview error during your development phase.
Return true if user is subject to GDPR. It depends on forceApplyGDPR into and phone's locale.
This method lets you know the status of your users' consent.
This method lets you know the status of your users' consent.
WARNING! Please do not use this method unless our CMP stipulates it in error logs during your development phase.
Send the external ids you have stored to the server. setExternalIds
Defines the new status of consentables passed in parameter.
Set error log listener to help you to trace some error during using AppConsent. If you pass null
you will remove the error log listener.
Store a set of external id's to allow you to send them to the server later with the saveExternalIds method.
Defines the new status of extra consentables passed in parameter.
Set information log listener to help you to trace some information logs during using AppConsent. If you pass null
you will remove the error log listener.
Set navigation log listener to help you to trace some navigation logs during using AppConsent. If you pass null
you will remove the error log listener.
Set a listener to be notified when user has given his consent
Checks whether a stack has been authorized
Try to display the CMP; display is controlled by functional rules
This method lets you know the status of your users' consent.
Checks whether a IAB Vendor has been authorized