
@Deprecated(message = "The name of this method is not entirely clear on its execution.To avoid a breaking change, this one has been deprecated and another one has been implemented that executes the same functionality.This method will be removed in future releases", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "this.isUserAcceptAll"), level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
public abstract Boolean userAcceptAll()


The name of this method is not entirely clear on its execution.To avoid a breaking change, this one has been deprecated and another one has been implemented that executes the same functionality.This method will be removed in future releases

Replace with


This method lets you know the status of your users' consent.

It lets you know exactly whether your users have accepted everything, and only that. The negation of this method does not mean that your users have refused everything.

By clicking on the accept all button, for example, or by selecting all the information in your notice, such as stacks, purposes, features, etc. and vendors


true if all consentables, stacks and vendors are allowed false otherwise