Release Notes
- Web
- iOS
- Android
- Flutter
- React Native
- Unity
v32.5.2 - (December 18, 2024)β
- TCF compliance: The text on the use of data storage has been improved on the vendor page.
- TCF compliance: An explanation of the presence of legitimate interests has been added to layer 1.
v32.5.1 - (December 11, 2024)β
- TCF compliance has been improved on the vendors page and the privacy widget.
- Fix : The scrollbar is now unlocked after the consent
- Fix : AppConsent CMP is once again compatible with older implementations
v32.5.0 - (November 14, 2024)β
- Link colours can now be customised from the configuration interface
- CMP blocking with Apple Distraction Control is now detected. We have provided a new callback named adcDetected to allow you to react to a block.
- The targetCountries property has been removed from the configSFBXAppConsent configuration. From now on, to target one or more countries, please configure the βGDPR extra countriesβ property available in the notice configuration form.
v32.4.0 - (August 22, 2024)β
- TCF 2.2 amendments specifications have been added [TCF v2.2 Policies amendments: introduction of new Special Purpose 3 - "Save and communicate privacy choices" ]
- The consent string retention period is now displayed in layer 2
- The special purpose 3 has been added
- Upgrade from TCF policies to version 5 (already implemented through gvl 2024-07-18 )
- Fix UI: A scroll bar appeared in the success screen on the Clear version
v32.3.0 - (June 18, 2024)β
- The forceGDPRApplies, urlRedirect, targetCountries and privacyWidget properties can be configured from the configuration interface.
- LiTE can now be configured and injected after the user's choice under consent, no-consent ( including datawall mode).
- Fix bug : On consent reacquisition, url redirection did not work
v32.2.0 - (May 21, 2024)β
- Google Basic Consent Mode has been added.
- It is now possible to activate TCF compatibility mode with Google Consent Mode (GCM)
- An error log is now displayed in the browser console when the CMP is initialised after a Google Tag Manager tag.
v32.1.0 - (April 18, 2024)β
- Adding Catalan ( CA ) , Suedish ( SA ) and Danish ( DA)
- ATPv2 : New version of additional consent released
- Update GCMv2 : Now full status is sent on update consent
- Fixed css class added to facilitate CMP customization
- Fix bug : The list of purposes in layer 1 did not take on the custom color in CMP classic.
- Fix bug : The title of the list of purposes was missing from the Portuguese translation.
v32.0.1 - (March 01, 2024)β
- Fix bug : In some cases, the AdSense flag (window.adsbygoogle.pauseAdRequests) was not refreshed.
v32.0.0 - (February 28, 2024)β
- New implementation of web cmp has been added. Implementation with loader now deprecated, but still functional and maintened ( No breaking Change ).
- The enableGCM property can now be activated from the notice editing form in the configuration interface.
- A property has been added to the notice editing form to disable GCM in selected countries.
- An event named acextravendor_denied_ID is now added to GCM when an extra vendor is not granted.
v31.1.3 - (February 05, 2024)β
- New consent types for Google Consent Mode (GCM) v2 have been added :
- ad_user_data
- ad_personalization
v31.1.2 - (January 24, 2024)β
- Improve performance : CMP makes fewer calls to the backend when GDPR is not applied
- Fix bug : Classic Template Only - Layer 1 hide the bottom buttons on small screens when Β« Display purposes on layer 1 Β» is activated.
- Fix bug : In some cases, the count of the number of vendors in layer 2, at the stack level, was not correct.
- Fix bug : Uncaught (in promise) error no longer appears in console in non-GPDR zone
v31.1.1 - (January 08, 2024)β
- Fix bug: Listener was undefined when gdprApplies was set to false
- Fix bug: window.adsbygoogle.pauseAdRequests was not set correctly when gdprApplies was set to false
Old release-notes
v31.1.0 - (December 21, 2023)β
- The height of the CMP adjusts automatically based on the content.
- TCF2.2: UI & Texts Enhancements
- Now the gdprApplies is based on ip address of the user
v31.0.1 - (December 14, 2023)β
- New data format to improve notice configuration size
v31.0.0 - (November 14, 2023)β
- TCF 2.2 specifications have been added
v30.4.1 - (October 30, 2023)β
- Following the recent development regarding logo resizing and behavior, the UI of the CMP could sometimes be degraded.
v30.4.0 - (October 19, 2023)β
- The new Accept/Configure/Deny and Deny/Configure/Accept button configurations on the first display have been added.
- The switch icons on the settings page have been inverted to avoid misunderstandings.
- Logo display has been resized to improve image rendering
- GCM properties are no longer denied when the notice is displayed in a country outside the RGPD zone.
- Fix bug : Oppose legitimate interests button did not register correct consent status in consentstring
- Fix bug : A user's consent is not properly reflected in the interface between two websites with the same appkey.
v30.3.1 - (April 27, 2023)β
- In Bottom banner mode, a javascript crash appeared when the web CMP was used with the old implementation
- The command saveFloatingPurposes did not correctly save the values of the floating purposes in the localstorage
v30.3.0 - (April 25, 2023)β
- The IAB saveFloatingPurposes command is not persisted after a page refresh
- A vertical display mode for the buttons on the bottom banner has been added
v30.2.0 - (March 29, 2023)β
- Added horizontal banner display mode for the clear version
- The css class "button_skip" was missing on the "Continue without accepting" button in clear version
- The action buttons in the "Classic" notice have been aligned to the right of the display to have the same display type as the Clear notice
v30.1.0 - (February 14, 2023)β
- Adding a preview mode which does not record the user's consent and which will be used for previews of notices on
v30.0.0 - (November 24, 2022)β
- The lazy option is activated by default
- GCM mode is now disabled by default
- Changing cmp cache duration
- Improving of compatibility with the old implementation
- Bug fixes for the new implementation
v29.0.0 - (September 08, 2022)β
- The implementation has been simplified.
- Only the loader script and the new configuration variable of the cmp need to be implemented.
- Compatibility with the old implementation has been maintained.
v28.11.1 - (July 06, 2022)β
- Add an option to open Privacycenter from the text
- Add configurable URL redirection when clicking on buttons
- Multiple bugfixes
- Improve performance
v28.10.4 - (June 13, 2022)β
- Release clear template
- Update IAB TCF framework to v1.4.0
- Use day-accurate creation and update date for TCString
- Possibility to add regexp to hide CMP on matching URLs
v28.7.16 - (May 30, 2022)β
- No more usage of
function in dependencies
v28.7.15 - (February 11, 2022)β
- Added a cache on backend call results to improve global usage performance
v28.7.12 - (December 21, 2021)β
- Add a method to manipulate consents without displaying the CMP
- Replace "continue without accepting" by a closing cross when CMP is displayed on a device using Italian language
v28.6.0 - (November 17, 2021)β
- Add Client-Origin header to all HTTP requests
- Reset store if consent is expired
- Different type for REFUSE_ALL and CONTINUE_WITHOUT_ACCEPTING actions
- Calculate consent type on HELLO action
v28.5.2 - (October 18, 2021)β
- Display the link to the list of features
v28.5.1 - (September 14, 2021)β
- Set correct CMP id and version
v28.5.0 - (August 18, 2021)β
- New CMP methods are added: checkForUpdate, presentNotice, setExternalIds, saveExternalIds, getExternalIds,extraFloatingAllowed, isFloatingNeedUpdate, saveFloatingPurposes
- removeEventListener callback should be called with boolean instead of null
- ship2 request sends page url
- Static class name for modal banner
v28.4.0 - (June 10, 2021)β
- gdprApplies init param
v28.3.0 - (May 27, 2021)β
- Grant legitimate interest on fakedeny
- Language param
- Upgrade @iabtcf packages
- AMP banner/modal display bugfix
- Gray SFBX logo
v28.2.0 - (May 04, 2021)β
- List of bugs and features deployed :
- Created date and lastUpdated date in the consent string
- Custom CSS for AMP
- Modal mode for an AMP
- SFBX Copyright
- Colors & images customisation
v28.1.0 - (April 21, 2021)β
- Created date and lastUpdated date in the consent string
- New privacy widget logo
- Encode language in the consent string
- Remove circular dependencies
- Enable Legitimate Interest on REFUSE_ALL / SKIP
- Skip link added for banner mode gdprApplies
- List of internal improvements :
- IN-90 New versionning system
v28 - (March 23, 2021)β
- Disable legitimate interest on DENY ALL
4.9.0 - (June 21, 2024)β
- feat: added support for custom dedicated endpoint in ACNotice initializer
- cmp version 121
4.8.3 - (May 29, 2024)β
- fix: fixed format of Privacy Manifest, added Privacy Accessed API Type for UserDefaults
- cmp version 120
4.8.2 - (May 27, 2024)β
- fix: fixed format of Privacy Manifest
- cmp version 119
4.8.1 - (May 17, 2024)β
- feat: added a Privacy Manifest to the xcFramework file
- cmp version 118
4.8.0 - (May 03, 2024)β
- feat: title color on intro and success page follows bannerTitleColor options in admin console
- feat: background color on success page is same as intro page
- cmp version 117
4.7.0 - (April 25, 2024)β
- feat: added allConsentablesDisallowed function to ACNotice
- cmp version 116
4.6.1 - (April 19, 2024)β
- fix: changed GeoIP check routine as it was occasionaly falsely reporting non-GDPR sources as GDPR
- cmp version 115
4.6.0 - (April 17, 2024)β
- feat: added option to display buttons vertically on introduction page
- feat: added support for new color configuration options on introduction page buttons
- feat: added option to display introduction page in fullscreen
- feat: added a GeoIP check at SDK startup, to determine whether your users are eligible or not
- feat: added list of purposes on introduction page
- cmp version 114
4.5.0 - (February 06, 2024)β
- feat: improved translations of VoiceOver prompts on switches
- fix: added a link accessibility trait on underlined text links
- fix: added XXX partners subtitle to accessibility elements
- cmp version 113
4.4.8 - (January 26, 2024)β
- fix: layout issue on success page when displaying large description texts on smaller screens
- fix: fixed an occasional crash that happened mainly during UI testing, though it is unlikely to have happened in a production scenario
- cmp version 112
Old release-notes
- fix: fixed a regression preventing consents reporting from stacksAllowed to be correct when upgrading from AppConsent 1.3.x
- cmp version 111
- fix: fixed a regression introduced in version 4.4.2 that caused switches to be neutralled on the settings page when a previous consent was present
- cmp version 110
- fix: fixed bug causing main application status bar to change color after AppConsent window closed
- cmp version 109
- fix: fixed bug preventing save button to be activated when returning to settings page after a change
- cmp version 108
- fix: prevent a crash occuring whent Montserrat fonts where already loaded in the Bundle by another library.
- cmp version 107
- fix: calls to backend now always rely on IDFV instead of IDFA, IDFA is saved as an external id 'idfa' when ATT popup is accepted.
- cmp version 105
- feat: removed error messages popup dialogs, now failing silently and logging an error message instead
- cmp version 104
- feat: improved layout around logo on intro page
- chore: dropped support for iOS 11, minimum version is now iOS 12
- fix: fixed a bug occuring sometimes when using the remove__legintables option causing tha CMP to display a state.consentstring missing popop and failing to get consent
- cmp version 103
- feat: added support for TCF 2.2
- feat: adding background color change on all pages
- fix: fixed the bottom of scrolling text being hidden behind buttons on the introduction
- cmp version 102
- fix: calls to backend now always rely on IDFV instead of IDFA, IDFA is saved as an external id 'idfa' when ATT popup is accepted.
- cmp version 106
- feat: inverting switch on/off icons
- cmp version 101
- fix: IABTCF_AddtlConsent didn't display the proper list of google providers, when some providers where denied.
- cmp version 12
- fix: AppConsentDelegate.appConsentDidFinish() didn't trigger when leaving settings screen without saving.
- fix: AppConsentDelegate.appConsentDidFail() didn't trigger on some errors.
- feat: added AppConsentDelegate.appConsentGeolocationDidFinish() to monitor Geolocation screen completion success.
- feat: added AppConsentDelegate.appConsentGeolocationDidFail() to monitor Geolocation screen completion failures.
- obsoleted AppConsentDelegate appConsentWillAppear(), appConsentDidAppear(), appConsentWillDisappear() and appConsentDidDisappear(), these functions only trigger on the intro screen, and they lack completeness.
- obsoleted AppConsentGeolocationConsentDelegate, it lacks completeness and is not reliable, replaced by AppConsentDelegate appConsentGeolocationDidFinish() and appConsentGeolocationDidFail()
- obsoleted consentGiven(success: (() -> Void)?, failure: ((Error) -> Void)?), prefer using AppConsentDelegate
- obsoleted geolocationConsentGiven(success: (() -> Void)?, failure: ((Error) -> Void)?), prefer using AppConsentDelegate
- cmp version 11
- fix: fixed a crash occuring on iPad when trying to copy the device ID from the profile view in settings
- feat: added a public SFBXCopyright string propertu on ACNotice
- cmp version 10
- obsoleted ACNotice.presentNotice(force: viewController:), replaced by presentNotice(viewController:) and presentSettings(viewController:)
- ACNotice.presentNotice() and ACNotice.presentSettings() now return a Bool, true if AppConsent was displayed, false otherwise
- AppConsentDelegate behavior change: after a call to presentNotice() or presentSettings(), appConsentDidFinish() is now always called, even if Notice wasn't displayed
- cmp version 9
- fix: made presentNotice(force: viewController) public again, will obsolete in a later release
- cmp version 8
- fix: on Mac Catalyst, keep profile view within window bounds.
- cmp version 7
- feat: AppConsent is now a single library instead of separated AppConsentKit and AppConsentUIKitV3
- feat: Added support for tvOS (minimal version is tvOS 14)
- feat: updated store.js to 1.0.3
- feat: added statistics collection
- cmp version 6
Legacy, discontinued
- fix: IABTCF_AddtlConsent in case a Google Vendor is denied
- cmp version 13
1.4.3-core 1.4.3-ui 2.2.3-ui-v3β
- added tracking GIF to monitor CMP display events
- cmp version 4
1.4.2-core 1.4.2-ui 2.2.2-ui-v3β
- changed verbosity of some log messages from info to debug
- cmp version 3
1.4.1-core 1.4.1-ui 2.2.1-ui-v3β
- updated store.js reducer to 1.0.2.
- MacCatalyst: fixed display of IAB tab appearing in white text on white background.
- MacCatalyst: fixed an issue displaying a frame around links.
- changed contrasts of some UI colors for accessibility.
- removed alpha components from texts and other UI elements to prevent issues with custom background colors.
- better error message displayed on network errors.
- allow customization of banner background behind buttons on settings and geolocation pages.
- fixed some issues with custom colors on three-way switches.
- cmp version 2.
1.4.0-core 1.4.0-ui 2.2.0-ui-v3β
- changed the way iabId and objectId are adressed in our framework, both used to be String, they are now UInt32 to match the type passed to our backend and the IAB libs.
- functions that used to address consentables through iabId as a String are now deprecated in favor of passing the iabId as a UInt32.
- linted API documentation.
- cmp version 1.
- reverted the JSReducer store.js to version 2021-11-02 with non verbose logging.
1.3.10-core 1.3.7-ui 2.1.7-ui-v3β
- added logging through Apple Unified Logging system.
- changed cmpVersion sent to IAB library to an int incremented with every release, starting now at cmpVersion 0.
- this version has a modified version of the JSReducer with extra verbose logging, to validate the cmpVersion change mentioned above. This will be changed back to normal log verbosity in a subsequent release.
1.3.9-core 1.3.6-ui 2.1.6-ui-v3β
- allow resizing of texts according to system accessibility preferences
- allow to display the CMP in portrait mode
1.3.7-core 1.3.5-ui 2.1.5-ui-v3β
- updated i18n, fix displayed version number in copyright string
- feat: 1.3.6-core removed check for GVL in checkforupdate
- feat: 1.3.5-core ACSaveLogic returns an error in case the reducer cannot return a proper MobileTCFStorage data from the consentString retrieved from the state
- feat: 1.3.4 added a guard close to prevent saving TCF userdefaults from a state with an empty consentstring
- fixes a bug displaying an empty CMP, when previous consent had mixed position switches
1.3.2-core 2.1.4-ui-v3 1.3.4-uiβ
- fixes a crash occuring sometimes on accepting the consent
1.3.1-core 2.1.3-ui-v3 1.3.3-uiβ
- fixes SwiftProtobuf import for compatibility with Cocoapods use__frameworks!
[2.1.2-ui-v3][1.3.2-ui] - (February 18, 2022)β
- fixes a display issue with custom navigation bar colors on iOS 15
[1.3.1-ui] - (February 16, 2022)β
- Fixed the display of toggle switch on iOS 15
[2.1.1-ui-v3] - (February 10, 2022)β
- Fixed image resizing without stretching on illustrated mode
[1.3.0-core][2.1.0-ui-v3] [1.3.0-ui] - (February 02, 2022)β
- Support for mac catalyst
[1.2.19-core][2.0.3-ui-v3] - (January 25, 2022)β
- Support for illustrated mode
[1.2.18-core][1.2.16-ui] [2.0.2-ui-v3] - (January 05, 2022)β
- Continue without accepting for italian mode.
[2.0.1] - (December 13, 2021)β
- Fix layout
highlight accept all button
- Improvements
[1.2.17-core] - (December 13, 2021)β
highlight accept all button
for AppConsentUIKitV3- Improvements
[1.2.16-core] - (December 02, 2021)β
- Update RGPD countries list. Add
[2.0.0] - (November 25, 2021)β
- Refactor AppConsent UI.
- Update AppconsentUI to AppconsentUIV3 (available on cocoapods).
- Display introduction and geolocation views as modal.
- Unify Android, IOS and Web remote texts and color.
- Only html with link is supported (markdown support deprecated)
- New header field on http request
(internal use) - Now we are tracking
. If you try to display CMP withpresent:false
, behind the scene the code check if consent is exprired or not. if yes CMP will be displayed automatically.
[1.2.14] - (June 30, 2021)β
- New Javascript reducer
. - Deprecated methods:
renamed toextraConsentableAllowed(:extraId)
renamed toextraVendorAllowed(:extraId)
renamed toconsentableAllowed(:iabId:type)
Note: We need thetype
now becauseiabId
for consentable is not unique. - New methods:
(Swift only) - New methods:
All of these methods return an boolean.
[1.2.13] - (May 18, 2021)β
- New
parameter onACUIKit
constructor. This parameter bypass the behavior logic to displayingsuccess_screen
when usersrefuse_all
orpurpose:1 = false
. The new behavior is due to some rejection from App Store reviewers. - Notes:
forceATT: false
behavior is the same so far.forceATT: true
, success_screen will be always presented. - Example:
// Custom
let uiKit = ACUIKit(withAppKey: "appKey", forceApplyGDPR: true, forceATT: true)
// Default
let uiKit = ACUIKit(withAppKey: "appKey", forceApplyGDPR: true)
forceATT is false by default
[1.2.12] - (May 04, 2021)β
- Fix
when ATT is supported, not given, but user RefuseAll. Now returnsfalse
[1.2.11] - (April 20, 2021)β
- New
isGDPRCountry() ->Bool
public method inAppConsentUIKit
. - New behavior behind the scene of
func presentNotice(force: Bool, viewController: UIViewController)
. Now whenforceApplyGDPR
from backoffice istrue
andATT Authorization
is supported and not given on the device, we will display thesuccessScreen
page to collect ATT Authorization only.
public func presentNotice(force: Bool, viewController: UIViewController) {
with: forceApplyGDPR, force: force) { (mode: ACPresentation, configuration: ACConfiguration?) in
switch mode {
case .displayCMPWithIntroduction:
case .displayCMPWithoutIntroduction:
case .displaySuccessScreen:
self.presentSuccessScreen(viewController, configuration)
case .displayNothing:
_print("AppConsent: Display Nothing. ForceApplyGDPR is false and maybe use_ios_att is false, ATT was already presented or not supported.")
[1.2.10] - (March 31, 2021)β
- New
getAllConsentables(by: status) ->[ACConsentable]?
andgetAllExtraVendors(by: status) ->[ACVendor]?
public methods. Note: These methods are only for Swift
[1.2.9] - (March 18, 2021)β
- New
appTrackingAuthorizationStatus() ->ACATTAuthorizationStatus
method. - Update for
method. Now, check also ifuse_ios_att:true
from configuration and if ATT is already presented.
[1.2.8] - (March 05, 2021)β
- Fix hidden navigation bar.
[1.2.7] - (March 02, 2021)β
- Layout adjustement on success page. Image size is now 260x260 Title is now on navigation bar. There are more space for header description and footer description also.
[1.2.6] - (February 25, 2021)β
- Fix layout on success page.
[1.2.5] - (February 24, 2021)β
- Supports for
iab 2.1
. Cookies are displayed in vendors details. Note: You need to re-save notice on back office for displaying cookies.
[1.2.4] - (February 09, 2021)β
- Add new
property. Now you can override all logic for displayingATT
from back office. Ifuse_ios_att
the behavior is the same that specified in documentation.
[1.2.3] - (February 04, 2021)β
- Fix missing
set in UserDefault. - New
currentIdentifier() ->ACCurrentIdentifier
method to get current idenfitier and his type.
idfv xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
idfa xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
custom xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
bump to1.15.0
[1.2.2] - (January 28, 2021)β
- Bug fixes
- Supports for Swift Package Manager Now you can install AppConsentKit, AppConsentUIKit via SPM. View our documentation to find out more.
[1.2.1] - (January 21, 2021)β
- No error popup on banner mode. Modal shoud be dismissed automatically.
Fix success screen behavior with ATT from banner mode.β
[1.2.0] - (January 20, 2021)β
- Support for
App Tracking Transparency
(iOS 14+) - WARNING You must define
in your Info.plist otherwise your app will crash. - New javascript reducer
- New
method. - New
appTrackingIsAvailable() ->Bool
method. - New
appTrackingAuthorizationGiven() ->ACATTAuthorizationGiven
method. - New
appTrackingRequestAuthorization(_ completion: ((ACATTAuthorizationStatus) ->Void)?)
method. Note: the process to display ATT Popup is automatically integrated in AppConsentUIKit when user save his consent.
- New
saveATTFloatingPurpose(with value: Bool, _ completion: ACResultVoidHandler?)
method. - New
floatingPurposeAllowed(extraId: String) ->Bool
method. Note: You need to callcheckForUpdate
method before call this above method to stay up to date. - New
displayATTIfNeeded(_ completion: ((ACATTAuthorizationStatus)->Void)?)
method. For migrating existing users, you must call this method to display ATT Popup without redisplaying CMP. Note: ATT Popup will only display if user device supports ATT, user given his consent, purpose 1 is true and ATT not yet displaying.WARNING After that, you need to call newsaveATTFloatingPurpose(with value: Bool, _ completion: ACResultVoidHandler?)
method to send user choice on our server.
appConsentUIKit.displayATTIfNeeded { status in
switch status {
case .notSupported:
_print("Not supported")
case .failure:
.saveATTFloatingPurpose(with: false, nil)
case .success:
.saveATTFloatingPurpose(with: true, nil)
[1.1.18] - (December 15, 2020)β
- Support for xCode 12.3.
Now our iOS SDK is build and distributed as
. - You must change the class initializer (due to an issue when building
has been renamed toACKit
has been renamed toACUIKit
. You can (must) remove the run script phase in build phase that removing the simulator architecture for archiving and publishing on App Store. - Fix
when user reset hisidfa
- New http call (
route) forsaveExternalIds
in services. Nothing to change.
[1.1.17] - (December 09, 2020)β
- New
javascript reducer v20
- Upgrade
version - Support
for Partner Link and Other Partners We keep theMarkdown
support also. - Improvements
[1.1.16] - (November 26, 2020)β
- New
javascript reducer v19
- Now you can
save externalIds
without having to present notice again. The new method is calledsaveExternalIds(success:, failure:)
. You can call it with a chaining method after callsetExternalIds
like this :
.setExternalIds(externalIds: ["a": "b"])
.saveExternalIds { state, configuration in
print(state ?? "state nil")
print(configuration ?? "configuration nil")
} failure: { error in
- Supports for
Google Additionnal Consent
. TheIABTCF_AddtlConsent
key is saved on UserDefault. See
for more informations. - WARNING Update for
method . TheKey
for Dictionary must be aniabId
instead of anid
. - New method
. TheKey
for Dictionary must be anextraId
. - New method
- New method
[1.1.15] - (November 19, 2020)β
- Send
request - Update
method. (Callback is removed) Note:setExternalIds
must be call before callpresentNotice
if you want to send externalIds to server.
[1.1.14] - (November 12, 2020)β
- Information button in Vendor details
- Fix: Hide switch if vendor has not consentable
- iPad presentation modal improvement (PageSheet)
[1.1.13] - (November 10, 2020)β
- Fix translation
- Fix extra-vendors. Now others partners are displayed.
- Enable "refine by partner" at launch.
[1.1.12] - (November 03, 2020)β
- Add back button to close CMP if consent given and CMP presented from settings.
[1.1.11] - (October 29, 2020)β
- Display error in cmp view instead on alertView and hide footer
- New method
- Remove
from sdk initialization
[1.1.10] - (October 27, 2020)β
- Objective-C compatibilty for setExternalData
[1.1.9] - (October 22, 2020)β
- Fix purpose count bug
[1.1.8] - (October 21, 2020)β
- New button layout component in introducton with "I understand" supports.
- Fix translation
[1.1.7] - (October 20, 2020)β
- setExternalIds
- UI Fixes
- added missing translations
[1.1.6] - (October 15, 2020)β
- setExternalData
[1.1.5] - (October 13, 2020)β
- Improvements
- Fix colors
[1.1.4] - (October 12, 2020)β
- Objective-C compatibility
[1.1.3] - (October 08, 2020)β
- Hot fix for button color
[1.1.2] - (October 08, 2020)β
- Improvements
[1.1.1] - (October 06, 2020)β
- Fix Hide
show more
on introduction when show more text is empty. - Fix Now you can go back when users click on
in introduction. - Improvements
- Reducer v16 (javascript)
[1.1.0] - (September 30, 2020)β
- Fixed Translation
- New method
to check extra purpose is allowed for example. - Consent Given callback is now called on introduction if user click to
Accept All
[1.0.9] - (September 29, 2020)β
- Fixed Translation
- Support for extra-purpose
[1.0.8] - (September 23, 2020)β
- Fixed bitcode bug for archive validation
[1.0.7] - (September 17, 2020)β
- Unreleased: Fix switch UI bug for iOS 14 (IPAD)
- Fixed remove navigation bar for intro page
- Fixed remove ACState logs
[1.0.6] - (September 15, 2020)β
- Fix onboardingImage (Aspect Fit, height: 80px, width: frame.view.width)
- Remove copyright on first page
- Fix markdown link on more description label (first page)
[1.0.5] - (September 14, 2020)β
- Fix Colors
- Fix redirect links in markdown
- Fix remote image for Onboarding - onboardingImage
- Add mixe stacks
- Add footer copyright
- Add remote image in home page - icon
- Add colors to success page
- Add separator color
[1.0.4] - (September 09, 2020)β
- Remote Config for colors
- Disable success screen config
- Purposes behind a stack
- Default text in markdown in the BO
- 11.2 release
- 11.6+ release
- UI fixes
[1.0.2] - (September 07, 2020)β
- bitcode compilation compatibility
- 11.2 release
- 11.6+ release
- Fixed view is present moddaly, not on fullscreen
- Fixed βAccept Allβ button doesnβt work
- Fixed getExternalData() method is declared a void function which doesnβt return any value
- Fixed βVoir les finalites oblihatorie (2)β button doesnβt work
- Fixed getConsentableConsents() callback doesnβt call any call back either success nor error, and after that method to check this consentable return false
- Fixed [SFBX library] When the consent is opened: there are UI issues in logs. And some of the buttons, links donβt work.
- Fixed [SFBX library] Each time consentGiven method returns false
- Fixed [iOS][SFBX] Library delegate βAppConsentDelegateβ doesnβt call lifecycle methods
- Removed getExternalData
- Mobile / Tablet
- TV
5.5.4 - (October 23, 2024)β
- Fix: Add edge-to-edge display functionality to make CMP display fully compatible
- Improve: Clean code
- Chore: Core module updated
5.5.3 - (August 28, 2024)β
- Fix: Upgrade Core module version that fixes GCM minified troubles
- Fix: The number of vendors is not displayed for STACKS
5.5.0 - (July 03, 2024)β
- Feat: Adds a cache when using the
5.4.0 - (June 18, 2024)β
- Feat: Adding options using
<meta-data />
. - Feat: Add
method - Feat: Add
method - Fix: Prevents CMP from being displayed with default values in the case of an appkey not found
- Fix: Vendor list display was truncated in landscape mode (we couldn't access the privacy policy link via this screen for the last vendor)
- Refacto: Deprecated methods
- Improve: Significant graphics enhancement
- Decrease in margin size when displaying CMP in popup mode
- Significant improvements on different screen sizes and on tablets
- Text size taken into account for all screen sizes for the title on layer 1
- Improved images displayed on the success screen when activated
- Improve: New deprecated methods into AppConsentTheme to be removed in later versions
is now deprecatedonboardingImage
is now deprecatediconUrl
is now deprecated
- Improve: Deleting unused resources
- Improve: Clean code
- Improve: Speed of CMP display after first user consent
Old release-notes
5.3.0 - (March 27, 2024)β
- Feat: Add vertical button option from ACConfiguration, to enable layer 1 buttons (accept all, reject all, configure) to be displayed vertically in portrait mode only; by default, they are displayed horizontally.
- Fix: Added a drawable missing in low dpi mode, to avoid using an inappropriate one
- Improve: Reduced SDK size
5.2.0 - (March 21, 2024)β
- Feat: Add WebProxy util to check if web view component is available, enable & implemented on user device
- The CMP cannot be used if the component is not available on the user's device.
- Feat: Displays the list of stacks, purposes, special purpose, feature, special feature and extra purpose used in the notice configuration.
- Feat: Add new GAID mechanism to avoid bad UUID generation from providers
- Feat: Add a GeoIP check at SDK startup, to determine whether your users are eligible or not
- Improve: Data categories used in conjunction with the purposes
- Improve: New system to display vendors number
- Improve: Avoid line separator on vendor's description from GVL
- Fix: Legitimate interest urls fully mapped (some vendor's url like pdf and json didn't redirect)
- Fix: Motorola UUID generation problems with Native UUID (0000-0000) -
- Chore: Upgrade protobuf library from 3.23.0 to 3.23.2
- Chore: Upgrade iab store from 1.0.4 to 1.1.0
5.1.4 - (January 22, 2024)β
- Fix: Crash caused by java.util.MissingResourceException: Couldn't find 3-letter country code for ... at java.util.Locale.getISO3Country (Pseudo language XA - XB)
- Fix: Fixes a metric problem when clicking on the continue button without accepting.
- Fix: Add support to min screen width 600 dp to allow multiple client icon size
- Chore: Update release notes - add more explicit information's about translations issues
- Refactor: Logger Module - Change some class name
- Refactor: Change layout res to dimens res constraint to avoid duplication layout
5.1.3 - (December 22, 2023)β
- Chore: Update internal Logger module
- Fix: RuntimeException when several WebView instances in different processes are used. Added SDK startup check and full explanatory log in the event of a problem when integrating a third-party library that runs before the application and uses a WebView in a dedicated process.
- Fix: Display size problem on tablet in Dialog mode
- Fix: Significant reduction in SDK size
5.1.2 - (December 12, 2023)β
- Fix: A display problem occurred when the "Enable only consent as the legal basis for processing" field was activated. Legitimate interests were still displayed under certain conditions
- Fix: In some cases, we had difficulty detecting the language set on the user's device and displayed the default selected language
- Improve: Addition of new controls at SDK startup to prevent the SDK from initializing by default
- Improve: logs
5.1.1 - (November 20, 2023)β
- Chore: Updating dependencies to make transitive dependencies consistent.
These dependencies are aligned to be compatible with compileSdkVersion 30.
Fix ==> error: resource android:attr/lStar not found.
Fix ==> error: resource android:color/system_neutralX_XXX not found.- androidx.appcompat:appcompat to 1.4.0-alpha03
- androidx.core:core-ktx to 1.7.0-alpha01
- to 1.5.0-alpha02
5.1.0 - (November 15, 2023)β
- Fix: Incorrect values (0) displayed for partners
- Fix: Flying mode
- Fix: Add Connectivity check to avoid RequestTimeOut if no Internet / NoConnectivityException
- Fix: Vendors policy urls didn't open
- Fix: Avoid multiple call to same WS at the same time
- Fix: Default Google Advertising UUID deleted from generated response (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
- Fix: Remove Uncaught Exception handler
- Fix: Add banner background color
- Fix: UI: force rotate depends app
- Fix: Avoid multiple same activities onRecreate (configurationChanged, rotate)
- Feat: Add Logger submodule / Remove Timber
- Feat: Optimize speed initialization
- Clean: code
5.0.0 - (September 20, 2023)β
- Fix: Rollback to Gradle 7
- Fix: Rollback to JAVA 11
- Fix: Rollback compatibilities with 1.8
4.0.1 - (September 18, 2023)β
- Fix: Some crash when migrating from TCF2.1 to TCF2.2 from a previous consent
4.0.0 - (September 13, 2023)β
- Feat: TCF2.2
- Feat: Full screen mode
- Refactor: New way to initialize the SDK
- Refactor: New configuration for enhanced scalability
- Feat: New documentations
- Fix: Visual enhancement on small devices with large visual adaptation
2.1.1 - (June 19, 2023)β
- Fix: [INCIDENT] - Crash on networking request
2.1.0 - (June 08, 2023)β
- Fix: Upgrade Core to 1.3.1
- Fix: [AMAZON] - Fix a bug on Amazon Fire TV
- Fix: [INCIDENT] - Fix a bug when user change Ads setting on device
- Feat: [UI] Change the order of icons in switches on layers 2
2.0.16 - (April 18, 2023)β
- Fix: Upgrade Core to 1.2.42
- Feat: improve ssl verification hostname
- Feat: add consumer proguard rules
- Feat: add new entry to sample
- Fix: remove keys from sharedpreferences not just updated + add 5 keys missed from clean
2.0.15 - (April 11, 2023)β
- Fix: UI problem when the CMP is displayed, the user could click outside and close it without has been given his consent
2.0.14 - (March 21, 2023)β
- Fix: Unity specific crashes
- Fix: Crash on XChange product
2.0.13 - (March 15, 2023)β
- Fix: Improvement of the initialization process
2.0.12 - (February 23, 2023)β
- Fix: Crashes for the XChange version
2.0.11 - (February 22, 2023)β
- Fix: Flutter specific crashes when we try to use it before completion
2.0.5 - (January 31, 2022)β
- Feat: Add illustrated mode new ui
2.0.4 - (January 10, 2022)β
- Fix: Rollback api
2.0.3 - (January 03, 2022)β
- Fix: Improves the user experience in case there is no internet
2.0.2 - (December 28, 2021)β
- Fix: Added eco-friendly features to avoid multiple network calls
2.0.1 - (December 08, 2021)β
- Feat: Update of the list of regions that must apply GDPR
- Feat: Update of the text
- Feat: Visual improvement
2.0.0 - (November 25, 2021)β
- Feat: Displaying the notice as a modal
- Feat: Display geolocation as a modal
- Feat: Color harmonization
- Feat: New graphical component and new design
- Feat: Change the grouping of consents in layer 2
1.1.11 - (November 08, 2021)β
- Fix: Miscellaneous non visual enhancement
1.1.10 - (October 26, 2021)β
- Feat: Eco-responsible code processing
- Feat: Loading information from the Notice when the application is launched
1.1.9 - (September 27, 2021)β
- Fix: Various improvements and fixes
1.1.8 - (September 02, 2021)β
- Fix: Different methods to know which type of consent, vendors and stack have been granted
1.1.7 - (August 05, 2021)β
- Feat: Addition of different methods to know which type of consent, vendors and stack have been granted
- Feat: Automatic start of smartTraffik for the XChange product
- Feat: Code improvement
1.1.6 - (July 22, 2021)β
- Feat: Added Continue without accepting on layer 1
1.1.5 - (June 14, 2021)β
- Feat: Added various features to allow distinguishing which types of consent the user has consented to, the list of consents and the use of the advertising UUID
1.1.3 - (February 09, 2021)β
- Feat: Add vendor cookie expiration for TCF v2.1
1.1.2 - (February 03, 2021)β
- Feat: XChange Product Enhancement
1.1.1 - (January 19, 2021)β
- Feat: Code improvement
1.1.0 - (December 09, 2020)β
- Feat: Improved design on the introduction screen
- Feat: Added a new feature dedicated to the acceptance or not of the geolocation authorization
- Feat: Added new features to the XChange product (Smart-Traffik & Pickwell)
5.5.4 - (October 23, 2024)β
- Chore: Core module updated
5.5.3 - (August 28, 2024)β
- Fix: Upgrade Core module version that fixes GCM minified troubles
5.5.0 - (July 03, 2024)β
- Feat: Adds a cache when using the
5.3.0 - (June 21, 2024)β
- Feat: Adding options using
<meta-data />
. - Feat: Add
method - Feat: Add
method - Feat: Added a method for specifying the onboarding title from SDK configuration
- Fix: Prevents CMP from being displayed with default values in the case of an appkey not found
- Improve: Clean code
- Improve: Speed of CMP display after first user consent
- Refacto: Deprecated methods
Old release-notes
5.2.0 - (March 21, 2024)β
- Feat: Add WebProxy util to check if web view component is available, enable & implemented on user device
- The CMP cannot be used if the component is not available on the user's device.
- Feat: Displays the list of stacks, purposes, special purpose, feature, special feature and extra purpose used in the notice configuration.
- Feat: Add new GAID mechanism to avoid bad UUID generation from providers
- Feat: Add a GeoIP check at SDK startup, to determine whether your users are eligible or not
- Improve: Data categories used in conjunction with the purposes
- Improve: New system to display vendors number
- Improve: Avoid line separator on vendor's description from GVL
- Fix: Legitimate interest urls fully mapped (some vendor's url like pdf and json didn't redirect)
- Chore: Upgrade protobuf library from 3.23.0 to 3.23.2
- Chore: Upgrade iab store from 1.0.4 to 1.1.0
5.1.4 - (January 22, 2024)β
- Refactor: Logger Module - Change some class name
5.1.3 - (December 22, 2023)β
- Chore: Update internal Logger module
5.1.2 - (December 12, 2023)β
- Fix: A display problem occurred when the "Enable only consent as the legal basis for processing" field was activated. Legitimate interests were still displayed under certain conditions
- Fix: In some cases, we had difficulty detecting the language set on the user's device and displayed the default selected language
- Improve: Addition of new controls at SDK startup to prevent the SDK from initializing by default
- Improve: logs
5.1.1 - (November 20, 2023)β
- Chore: Updating dependencies to make transitive dependencies consistent.
These dependencies are aligned to be compatible with compileSdkVersion 30.
Fix ==> error: resource android:attr/lStar not found.
Fix ==> error: resource android:color/system_neutralX_XXX not found.- androidx.appcompat:appcompat to 1.4.0-alpha03
- androidx.core:core-ktx to 1.7.0-alpha01
- to 1.5.0-alpha02
5.1.0 - (November 15, 2023)β
- Fix: Incorrect values (0) displayed for partners
- Fix: Flying mode
- Fix: Add Connectivity check to avoid RequestTimeOut if no Internet / NoConnectivityException
- Fix: Vendors policy urls didn't open
- Fix: Avoid multiple call to same WS at the same time
- Fix: Default Google Advertising UUID deleted from generated response (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
- Fix: Remove Uncaught Exception handler
- Fix: Add banner background color
- Feat: Optimize speed initialization
- Feat: Add Logger submodule / Remove Timber
- Feat: Add inner WebView to view policies privacy and legitimate interest
- Clean: code
5.0.0 - (September 20, 2023)β
- Fix: Rollback to Gradle 7
- Fix: Rollback to JAVA 11
- Fix: Rollback compatibilities with 1.8
4.0.1 - (September 18, 2023)β
- Fix: Some crash when migrating from TCF2.1 to TCF2.2 from a previous consent
4.0.0 - (September 13, 2023)β
- Feat: TCF2.2
- Refactor: New way to initialize the SDK
- Refactor: New configuration for enhanced scalability
- Feat: New documentations
1.1.48 - (June 19, 2023)β
- Fix: [INCIDENT] - Crash on networking request
1.1.47 - (June 08, 2023)β
- Fix: Upgrade Core to 1.3.1
- Fix: [AMAZON] - Fix a bug on Amazon Fire TV
- Fix: [INCIDENT] - Fix a bug when user change Ads setting on device
1.1.46 - (April 18, 2023)β
- Fix: Upgrade Core to 1.2.42
- Feat: improve ssl verification hostname
- Feat: add consumer proguard rules
- Feat: add new entry to sample
- Fix: remove keys from sharedpreferences not just updated + add 5 keys missed from clean
1.1.45 - (March 21, 2023)β
- Improves the performance of the display
1.1.44 - (March 15, 2023)β
- Improvement of the initialization process
1.1.43 - (February 23, 2023)β
- Fix crashes for the XChange version
1.1.42 - (February 22, 2023)β
- Fix Flutter specific crashes when we try to use it before completion
v1.1.31 - (February 23, 2022)β
- refactor logger , AppConsentCore injection instance
- add UncaughtExceptionHandler to reset the core instance
- remove exitProcesses on sdk tv
v1.1.22 - (February 11, 2022)β
- add flags for high heap work and enable logs
v1.1.21 - (February 10, 2022)β
- refactor injection at core and tv injector
v1.1.20 - (February 03, 2022)β
- send floating purpose at core init if previous call failed
v1.1.17 - (January 19, 2022)β
- fix focus issues around notice settings
v1.1.16 - (January 10, 2022)β
- rollback api from 1.1.15 regarding the dns exception handling
- remove leanback transition from the activity and fragment themes regarding warning logs
v1.1.15 - (January 03, 2022)β
- catch offline exception on api
v1.1.14 - (December 28, 2021)β
- update min sdk to 21 - 5.0)
- fix setupCrashlytics
- update gdpr countries list
- fix notice cache
v1.1.13 - (November 08, 2021)β
- put default header with Client-Origin
- setup consent-expiration regarding type of consent
v1.1.12 - (October 26, 2021)β
- add cache methode to get notice
v1.1.13 - (November 08, 2021)β
- put default header with Client-Origin
- setup consent-expiration regarding type of consent
v1.1.12 - (October 26, 2021)β
- add cache methode to get notice
v1.1.11 - (September 27, 2021)β
- setup crashlytics and timber logs
v1.1.10 - (September 02, 2021)β
- fix allConsentablesAllowed , allStacksAllowed and allVendorsAllowed
v1.1.9 - (July 26, 2021)β
- implement AppConsent interface
- add save floating purposes
- add consentable , stack , vendors all allowed methods
v1.1.8 - (April 28, 2021)β
- fix focus issue on NoticeTvFragment
v1.1.7 - (April 20, 2021)β
- fix focus issue on notice save click
- implement appconsent-core 1.2.9
v1.1.6 - (April 08, 2021)β
- fix focus issue on notice save click
v1.1.5 - (March 05, 2021)β
- fix focus on first mandatory consentable button
v1.1.4 - (March 05, 2021)β
- fix google_atp_id serial name for reducer
- core v1.2.6
v1.1.3 - (March 04, 2021)β
- fix consent string encode with restrictions
- core v1.2.5
v1.1.2 - (March 02, 2021)β
- core 1.2.4
- add google atp id feature
v1.1.1 - (March 01, 2021)β
- fix ui constraints for consent descriptions item
v1.1.0 - (February 26, 2021)β
- migrate kotlin-android-extensions to view binding
- add cookie expiration in vendor detail view for TCF 2.1
- delete description already displayed above from ConsentableDetail header
- add legal dialog in ConsentableDetail
- fix leg vendor radio display
- encode ConsentString with flexible purposes
v1.1.0-beta03 - (December 22, 2020)β
- fix bugs and improve SDK
v1.1.0-beta01 - (December 11, 2020)β
- add saveExternalIds()
- fix bugs and improve SDK
v1.0.0-RC07 - (November 25, 2020)β
- update modifier of classes to internal which are unused by user
- add setExtraConsentableConsents(), extraVendorAllowed() and extraConsentableAllowed()
v1.0.0-RC06 - (November 20, 2020)β
- add a new AppConsentLogListener to log details about client navigation
- do not display partner view if no internet
v1.0.0-RC05 - (November 19, 2020)β
- fix issue when downgrading GVL version to notice
v1.0.0-RC04 - (November 17, 2020)β
- IABTCF_gdprApplies depends on forceApplyGDPR and phone's locale
v1.0.0-RC03 - (November 13, 2020)β
- fix focus on mandatory fragment
v1.0.0-RC02 - (October 29, 2020)β
- catch crash and if app restart kill process
v1.0.0-RC - (October 02, 2020)β
- update libraries
- fix save consent with empty cache
v1.0.0-beta05 - (September 22, 2020)β
- add back buttons on many views
- add intermediate view on back pressed on notice EDIT mode
- hide second view on notice if empty
- fix focus issue on accept all and refuse all
- fix logo display on vendor list
- improve tab layout navigation
v1.0.0-beta04 - (September 07, 2020)β
- transform radio button Accept/Refuse All to button
- fix bug on object action
- improve remote theme customization
v1.0.0-beta03 - (August 01, 2020)β
- fix radio focus bug with first element
- add background while radio is focus
- add local traductions for 8 languages
v1.0.0-beta02 - (July 01, 2020)β
- fix bug when implement SDK UI and TV in same project
v1.0.0-beta01 - (July 01, 2020)β
- first beta
- AppConsent Clear (SDK)
- AppConsent TV (SDK)
- AppConsent Classic (SDK)
2.4.2 - (October 23, 2024)β
- Update Android dependency to 5.5.4, see Android release notes for details
2.4.1 - (August 29, 2024)β
- Update Android dependency to 5.5.3, see Android release notes for details
2.4.0 - (July 05, 2024)β
- Update Android dependency to 5.5.0, see Android release notes for details
2.3.0 - (June 25, 2024)β
- Updated iOS dependency to AppConsent 4.9.0
- Added support to setup dedicated endpoint during init
- Added support to display notice in fullscreen
Old release-notes
2.2.3 - (June 21, 2024)β
- Update Android dependency to 5.4.0, see Android release notes for details
2.2.2 - (May 30, 2024)β
- Updated iOS dependency to AppConsent 4.8.3, see iOS release notes for details
2.2.1 - (May 28, 2024)β
- Updated iOS dependency to AppConsent 4.8.2, see iOS release notes for details
2.2.0 - (May 17, 2024)β
- Updated iOS dependency to AppConsent 4.8.1, see iOS release notes for details
2.1.7 - (January 30, 2024)β
- Updated iOS dependency to AppConsent 4.4.8, see iOS release notes for details
2.1.6 - (January 24, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4 Official Release notes Android
2.1.5 - (December 22, 2023)β
- chore: update changelog formatting
2.1.4 - (December 22, 2023)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update internal Logger module
- Fix: [ANDROID] RuntimeException when several WebView instances in different processes are used. Added SDK startup check and full explanatory log in the event of a problem when integrating a third-party library that runs before the application and uses a WebView in a dedicated process.
- Fix: [ANDROID] Display size problem on tablet in Dialog mode
- Fix: [ANDROID] Significant reduction in SDK size
2.1.3 - (December 18, 2023)β
- Updated iOS dependency to AppConsent 4.4.7
2.1.2 - (December 13, 2023)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2
- Fix: [ANDROID] A display problem occurred when the "Enable only consent as the legal basis for processing" field was activated. Legitimate interests were still displayed under certain conditions
- Fix: [ANDROID] In some cases, we had difficulty detecting the language set on the user's device and displayed the default selected language
- Improve: [ANDROID] Addition of new controls at SDK startup to prevent the SDK from initializing by default
- Improve: [ANDROID] logs
2.1.1 - (November 21, 2023)β
- [Android] Update SDK dependency to 5.1.1 (optimize transitive dependencies)
2.1.0 - (November 15, 2023)β
- [Android] Update SDK dependency to 5.1.0 (fix bugs & optimize speed initialization)
2.0.0 - (September 21, 2023)β
- [Android] Add the new TCF2.2 feature
1.2.2 - (April 11, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
- Fix users could click outside CMP and close it
1.2.1 - (March 23, 2023)β
- Updated README instructions
1.2.0 - (March 23, 2023)β
- [iOS] Updated multiple iOS native module.
1.1.2 - (March 23, 2023)β
- Update README instructions
1.1.1 - (March 23, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
1.1.0 - (March 17, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
- Feat: New features added
1.0.2 - (February 23, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
1.0.1 - (January 25, 2023)β
- [Android] Fix bug
1.0.0 - (September 15, 2022)β
- [iOS] Updated multiple iOS native module.
- Bumped version to stable release.
0.1.3 - (July 25, 2022)β
- Fix: Some bug
0.1.2 - (June 23, 2022)β
- [iOS] Updated multiple iOS native module.
0.1.1 - (June 10, 2022)β
- Fix: Some bug
0.1.0 - (May 24, 2022)β
- [iOS] Updated multiple iOS native module.
- Feat: New features added
- Code improvement
0.0.4 - (May 13, 2022)β
- Updated API documentation.
0.0.3 - (May 10, 2022)β
- [iOS] Updated multiple iOS native module.
0.0.2 - (April 14, 2022)β
- Code improvement
0.0.1 - (April 13, 2022)β
- Initial release for AppConsent Flutter framework.
2.3.2 - (October 23, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv" from 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 Official Release notes Android
2.3.1 - (August 29, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv" from 5.5.0 to 5.5.3 Official Release notes Android
2.3.0 - (July 03, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv" from 5.3.0 to 5.5.0 Official Release notes Android
2.2.0 - (June 21, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv" from 5.1.4 to 5.3.0 Official Release notes Android
Old release-notes
2.1.4 - (January 24, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv" from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4 Official Release notes Android
2.1.3 - (December 22, 2023)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-tv" from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update internal Logger module
2.1.2 - (December 13, 2023)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2
- Fix: [ANDROID] A display problem occurred when the "Enable only consent as the legal basis for processing" field was activated. Legitimate interests were still displayed under certain conditions
- Fix: [ANDROID] In some cases, we had difficulty detecting the language set on the user's device and displayed the default selected language
- Improve: [ANDROID] Addition of new controls at SDK startup to prevent the SDK from initializing by default
- Improve: [ANDROID] logs
2.1.1 - (November 21, 2023)β
- [Android] Update SDK dependency to 5.1.1 (optimize transitive dependencies)
2.1.0 - (November 15, 2023)β
- [Android] Update SDK dependency to 5.1.0 (fix bugs & optimize speed initialization)
- Fix: [Android] fix bugs
- Feat: [Android] optimize speed initialization
2.0.0 - (September 21, 2023)β
- Feat: [Android] New TCF2.2 feature
1.0.1 - (March 23, 2023)β
- Chore: Update README instructions
- Clean: Decrease plugin size
1.0.0 - (March 23, 2023)β
- Feat: New version of the native plugin.
- Fix: Improvement of the plugin initialization process
0.1.6 - (February 23, 2023)β
- Feat: New version of the native plugin.
0.1.5 - (January 25, 2023)β
- Feat: Patches related to wording
0.1.4 - (January 25, 2023)β
- Fix: Bug when we try to interact with plugin before it is fully initialized.
0.1.3 - (July 25, 2022)β
- Fix: Some bug
0.1.2 - (July 01, 2022)β
- Feat: New version of the native plugin.
0.1.1 - (June 10, 2022)β
- Feat: New version of the native plugin.
0.1.0 - (May 24, 2022)β
- Feat: New features
0.0.3 - (May 17, 2022)β
- Feat: New features
- Fix: some tests in example package
0.0.2 - (May 13, 2022)β
- Feat: Improved intialization method
- Feat: Improved API docs.
0.0.1 - (April 14, 2022)β
- Initial release for AppConsent Flutter framework.
This SDK is no longer maintained as it is not compliant with TCF2.2.
2.0.0 - (September 21, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
1.0.5 - (March 23, 2023)β
- Update README instructions
1.0.4 - (March 23, 2023)β
- Update README instructions
1.0.3 - (March 23, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
1.0.2 - (February 23, 2023)β
- [Android] Upgraded Android native module.
Old release-notes
1.0.1 - (January 25, 2023)β
- [Android] Fixed a bug when we try to interact with AppconsentClassic before it is fully initialized.
1.0.0 - (September 15, 2022)β
- Updated multiple iOS native module.
- Bumped version to stable release.
0.1.3 - (July 25, 2022)β
- Fix: Some bug
0.1.2 - (June 23, 2022)β
- Updated multiple iOS native module.
0.1.1 - (June 10, 2022)β
- Fix: Some bug
0.1.0 - (May 24, 2022)β
- Updated multiple iOS native module.
- Feat: New features added
- Code improvement
0.0.4 - (May 13, 2022)β
- Updated API documentation.
0.0.3 - (May 10, 2022)β
- Updated multiple iOS native module.
0.0.2 - (April 14, 2022)β
- Code improvement
0.0.1 - (April 13, 2022)β
- Initial release for AppConsent Flutter framework.
- AppConsent Clear (SDK)
- AppConsent Classic (SDK)
2.6.1 - (October 23, 2024)β
- Chore: upgrade Android SDK natif from 5.5.3 to 5.5.4
2.6.0 - (August 29, 2024)β
- Chore: upgrade Android SDK natif from 5.5.0 to 5.5.3
2.5.0 - (July 05, 2024)β
- Chore: upgrade android SDK from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0
2.4.0 - (June 27, 2024)β
- Chore: updated iOS AppConsent to 4.9.0, see iOS release notes for details
2.3.0 - (June 21, 2024)β
- Chore: updated Android SDK to 5.4.0, see Android release notes for details
2.2.2 - (May 30, 2024)β
- Chore: updated iOS AppConsent to 4.8.3, see iOS release notes for details
2.2.1 - (May 29, 2024)β
- Chore: updated iOS AppConsent to 4.8.2, see iOS release notes for details
2.2.0 - (May 17, 2024)β
- Chore: updated iOS AppConsent to 4.8.1, see iOS release notes for details
2.1.9 - (January 30, 2024)β
- Chore: updated iOS AppConsent to 4.4.8, see iOS release notes for details
2.1.8 - (January 26, 2024)β
- fix: marked consentGiven as obsolete, on iOS, implementation changed to match consentAlreadyGiven
Old release-notes
2.1.7 - (January 24, 2024)β
- feat: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4
2.1.6 - (December 22, 2023)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update internal Logger module
- Fix: [ANDROID] RuntimeException when several WebView instances in different processes are used. Added SDK startup check and full explanatory log in the event of a problem when integrating a third-party library that runs before the application and uses a WebView in a dedicated process.
- Fix: [ANDROID] Display size problem on tablet in Dialog mode
- Fix: [ANDROID] Significant reduction in SDK size
2.1.5 - (December 18, 2023)β
- feat: updated iOS native dependency to 4.4.7
2.1.4 - (December 13, 2023)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2
- Fix: [ANDROID] A display problem occurred when the "Enable only consent as the legal basis for processing" field was activated. Legitimate interests were still displayed under certain conditions
- Fix: [ANDROID] Translation issues
- Improve: [ANDROID] Addition of new controls at SDK startup to prevent the SDK from initializing by default
- Improve: [ANDROID] logs
2.1.3 - (November 23, 2023)β
- Chore: Updated README to add examples and more detailed information
- Chore: Updated example
2.1.2 - (November 20, 2023)β
- fix: [ANDROID] Update some dependencies to avoid problems when transitive dependencies are downloaded.
- Chore: Update "com.sfbx.appconsent:appconsent-ui-v3" from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1
2.1.1 - (November 16, 2023)β
- fix: [ANDROID] rollback of AndroidManifest's packagename attribute, as it causes an undefined name when we try to use the
2.1.0 - (November 15, 2023)β
- feat: [ANDROID] added getExternalId method
- feat: [ANDROID] added saveExternalId method
- feat: [ANDROID] added setExternalId method
- feat: [ANDROID] updated native SDK dependency to 5.1.0
2.0.2 - (October 30, 2023)β
- feat: added getExternalId
2.0.1 - (October 20, 2023)β
- feat: updated iOS native dependency to 4.4.2
- feat: added saveExternalId and setExternalId
2.0.0 - (September 21, 2023)β
- feat: Add Android TCF2.2
1.2.4 - (October 20, 2023)β
- feat: updated iOS native dependency to 4.2.3
1.2.3 - (April 19, 2023)β
- fix: Updated Android dependency to 2.0.16
- fix: resolution of the obfuscation carried by the android library
- fix: Improvement of network exchanges
1.2.2 - (April 11, 2023)β
- fix: Updated Android dependency to 2.0.15
- fix: UI prevent user click outside CMP
- feat: updated iOS native dependency to 4.2.0
1.2.1 - (March 24, 2023)β
- chore: update readme instructions
1.2.0 - (March 23, 2023)β
- feat: updated iOS native dependency to 4.1.0
1.1.7 - (March 22, 2023)β
- fix: removed dependency on expo
- fix: replaced a fatal error throw by an error log to prevent a crash when CMP can't attach to viewController
- fix: dependency on Android 2.0.12 instead of 2.0.11
1.1.6 - (February 23, 2023)β
- Updated Android dependency to 2.0.12.
1.1.5 - (February 22, 2023)β
- Updated Android dependency to 2.0.11.
- this one corrects a crash at the launching of the application after the validation of the consents
1.1.4 - (September 26, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.4.2.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKitV3 2.2.2.
1.1.3 - (August 25, 2022)β
- Added TypeScript declarations to function headers.
- Added TSDoc comments to all API functions.
1.1.2 - (August 18, 2022)β
- Updated Android dependencies to 2.0.10.
1.1.1 - (June 29, 2022)β
- Added side-effects declaration to package.
1.1.0 - (June 28, 2022)β
- Upgraded to react 18.0.0 and react-native 0.68.0.
1.0.2 - (June 27, 2022)β
- Configured linter and linted code.
1.0.1 - (June 24, 2022)β
- Excluded some unwanted files from package.
- Added changelog.
1.0.0 - (June 24, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.4.1.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKitV3 2.2.1.
O.1.6 - (May 25, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.4.0.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKitV3 2.2.0.
- fix consentableAllowedByIABId returned the wrong consentableType on Android.
0.1.5 - (May 10, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.11.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKitV3 2.1.7.
0.1.4 - (March 29, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.3.
0.1.3 - (March 29, 2022)β
- Updated Android dependencies to 2.0.9-react.
0.1.2 - (March 29, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.2.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKitV3 2.1.4.
0.1.1 - (March 22, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.1.
- Support Podfile without use_frameworks!.
0.1.0 - (March 03, 2022)β
- first release.
This SDK is no longer maintained as it is not compliant with TCF2.2.
1.0.1 - (September 16, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.4.2.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKit 1.4.2.
1.0.0 - (June 29, 2022)β
- Upgraded to react 18.0.0 and react-native 0.68.0
- Added typescripts declaration to package
0.9.17 - (June 24, 2022)β
- Added changelog.
0.9.16 - (June 24, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.4.1.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKit 1.4.1.
0.9.15 - (May 25, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.4.0.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKit 1.4.0.
Old release-notes
0.9.14 - (May 10, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.11.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKit 1.3.7.
0.9.13 - (March 29, 2023)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.3.
0.9.12 - (March 29, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.2.
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentUIKit 1.3.4.
0.9.11 - (March 24, 2022)β
- Updated Android dependencies to AppConsent 1.1.22-react.
- Updated various dependencies.
0.9.10 - (March 22, 2022)β
- Updated iOS dependencies to AppConsentKit 1.3.1.
- Support for iOS Podfiles withous use_frameworks!.
4.3.0 - (October 24, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Upgrade Android SDK from 5.5.3 to 5.5.4
- Feat: [ANDROID] Add FullScreen Mode to android (layer1)
4.2.2 - (August 29, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Upgrade Android SDK from 5.5.0 to 5.5.3
4.2.1 - (August 02, 2024)β
- fix: change default
to avoid displaying CMP in non-GDR regions
4.2.0 - (July 05, 2024)β
- feat: Upgrade Android SDK from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0
4.1.0 - (June 25, 2024)β
- feat: added support for dedicated endpoint on iOS
- feat: added support for fullscreen on iOS
- feat: updated iOS Native dependency to 4.9.0, see iOS release notes for details
Old release-notes
4.0.3 - (June 19, 2024)β
- Chore: [ANDROID] Upgrade Android SDK from 5.1.4 to 5.4.0
4.0.2 - (June 04, 2024)β
- fix: updated iOS Native dependency to 4.8.3, see iOS release notes for details
4.0.1 - (March 28, 2024)β
- Fix: The type or namespace name 'DllImportAttribute' could not be found
- Fix: The type or namespace name 'DllImport' could not be found
4.0.0 - (January 23, 2024)β
- BREAKING_CHANGE: Reformat methods to convention naming C#
- [ANDROID] Upgrade to Android 5.1.4
- [ANDROID] New feature to propose a callback to know when the user has completed the consent process.
- Add new method InitACNotice to separate Instanciation and Init (on Android)
3.1.3 - (December 22, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade to Android 5.1.3
- Chore: [ANDROID] Update internal Logger module
- Fix: [ANDROID] RuntimeException when several WebView instances in different processes are used. Added SDK startup check and full explanatory log in the event of a problem when integrating a third-party library that runs before the application and uses a WebView in a dedicated process.
- Fix: [ANDROID] Display size problem on tablet in Dialog mode
- Fix: [ANDROID] Significant reduction in SDK size
- Fix: [ANDROID] In some cases, we had difficulty detecting the language set on the user's device and displayed the default selected language
3.1.2 - (December 13, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade to Android 5.1.2
3.1.1 - (November 21, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade to Android 5.1.1
- [ANDROID] Change module name from library imported : Unity -> appconsent-unity
3.1.0 - (November 20, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade to Android 5.1.0
3.0.0 - (September 20, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade to Android 5.0.0
2.0.1 - (September 20, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Remove unused dependences
2.0.0 - (September 19, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade sdk version to 4.0.1 (include TCF2.2)
1.0.16 - (September 15, 2023)β
- [iOS] Upgrade appconsent-unity-ios-bridge to version 1.0.2
1.0.15 - (April 11, 2023)β
- [ANDROID] Upgrade sdk version to 2.0.15
- [ANDROID] New library version Unity-1.0.5.aar