Our iOS SDK supports the following targets:
- iOS, (iPhone, iPad and macOS through mac Catalyst) minimum deployment target 12.0
- tvOS, minimum deployment target 14.0 (tvOS support is still experimental as of AppConsent 4.4.0)
Our framework is built in Swift and UIKit, and is supported in Swift and Objective-C apps. It is possible to use it in a SwiftUI app following these instructions:
The iOS AppConsent is now in version 4.X.X
Previous libraries AppConsentKit, AppConsentUIKit and AppConsentUIKitV3 are now obsolete, and won't be supported anymore in a near future.
If you still rely on any of the older frameworks, We advise you upgrade to AppConsent 4.X.X following these instructions:
Add AppConsent to your xCode project
Our library is package as an XCFramework, it is available through Swift Package Manager, or CocoaPods, see this article about adding AppConsent to your XCode project:
How to use AppConsent
To get started integrating AppConsent into your app, read this article:
API reference
All our iOS related articles and documentation are accessible through our full API reference here.
Screenshots for all supported languages and most supported screen sizes are visible here.