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Our CMP is available for Unity as a Unity Package containing plugins for Android, iOS and tvOS. The package is available from the following git repository:

AppConsent Unity package

Minimum supported version of unity is 2021.3.16f1 LTS.

Simple execution

Unity sample

This example is taken directly from the sample code below.

Runner Sample

Here's the Unity sample runner project into which we've integrated our solution. Sample

Developer Sample

Here's a sample Unity project in which we've integrated our solution, enabling you to interact directly with it from the main screen. Sample

Add the SFBX AppConsent package to your Unity project

From the window menu, open the Package Manager

Open the Package Manager

Inside the Package Manager window, click on the + button + in the top-left corner. From the drop-down menu select Add package from git URL.

Add package from git URL

In the popup text field, enter the url to the package's git repository and click on Add.

Type-in URL package

The SFBX AppConsent package has been added to your project.

SFBX AppConsent package

Recommendation Android

The plugin allows you to define a success or error callback before CMP initialization, enabling you to log and/or use the CMP when it is fully initialized (asynchronous).

Here's an example of how CMP works on Android

using SFBX.AppConsent;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class AppConsentGUI : MonoBehaviour, ISDKCallbackListener, ISDKPresentNoticeListener
ACNotice bridge = null;
private bool isCmpInitialized = false;
int centerX = Screen.width / 2;
int buttonWidth = Screen.width / 2;
int buttonHeight = Screen.height / 14;
int buttonX;

GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle();
GUIStyle buttonStyle;

string status = "";
int logIndice = 0;

void Awake()
AndroidJNIHelper.debug = true;
// Only for Android - does not impact iOS !
bridge = new ACNotice("18ecaea4-554a-4f74-9242-520fe62058a8");
UpdateStatus("bridge instanciated => " + bridge);

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
buttonX = centerX - ( buttonWidth / 2);


// On iOS, there's no need for a callback, so you can directly change the boolean's state.

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
centerX = Screen.width / 2;
buttonWidth = Screen.width / 2;
buttonHeight = Screen.height / 14;
buttonX = centerX - ( buttonWidth / 2);

void OnGUI()
labelStyle.fontSize = 28;
labelStyle.wordWrap = true;

buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(;
buttonStyle.fontSize = 28;

GUI.Label(new Rect(buttonX, buttonHeight * 2, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "SFBX AppConsent", labelStyle);

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonX, buttonHeight * 4, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Display CMP", buttonStyle))
if(isCmpInitialized == true && bridge != null){
bool isDisplayed = bridge.ShowNotice();
if(isDisplayed == true){
UpdateStatus("Notice displayed");
UpdateStatus("Notice not displayed, look at your consent or RGPD country.");
UpdateStatus("AppConsent not ready yet");

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonX, buttonHeight * 6, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Settings", buttonStyle))
if(isCmpInitialized == true && bridge != null){
UpdateStatus("Settings displayed");
UpdateStatus("AppConsent not ready yet");

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonX, buttonHeight * 8, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Check Consents", buttonStyle))
if(isCmpInitialized == true && bridge != null){
bool consent = bridge.ConsentGiven();
bool allConsentables = bridge.AllConsentablesAllowed();
bool gdpr = bridge.IsSubjectToGDPR();
bool acceptAll = bridge.UserAcceptAll();
bool extra = bridge.ExtraVendorAllowed("TobuM9Iw");
bool consentable = bridge.ConsentableAllowed(1,0);
UpdateStatus("consents: " + consent + allConsentables + gdpr + acceptAll + extra + consentable);
UpdateStatus("AppConsent not ready yet");

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(buttonX, buttonHeight * 10, buttonWidth, buttonHeight), "Reset Consents", buttonStyle))
if(isCmpInitialized == true && bridge != null){
UpdateStatus("Cleared consents");
UpdateStatus("AppConsent not ready yet");

GUI.Label(new Rect(0, buttonHeight * 12, Screen.width, buttonHeight), status, labelStyle);

public void OnReadyOnSuccess()
UpdateStatus("Appconsent onReadyOnSuccess");
isCmpInitialized = true;

Debug.Log("AppConsent is ready to be use !");
UpdateStatus("Setting listener + trying to show notice");

bool isDisplayed = bridge.ShowNotice();
if(isDisplayed == true){
UpdateStatus("Notice displayed");
UpdateStatus("Notice not displayed, look at your consent or RGPD country.");

public void OnReadyOnError(AndroidJavaObject err)
isCmpInitialized = false;
Debug.LogError("Failed to start AppConsent");

public void OnConsentGiven()
Debug.Log("The user has given his consent");
UpdateStatus("Consent given !");

public void OnConsentGivenError(AndroidJavaObject err)
Debug.LogError("An error as occurred, please read Log.");
UpdateStatus("An error as occurred, please read Log.");

private void UpdateStatus(string log){
if(logIndice % 10 == 0){
status = logIndice++ + " - " + log;
status = status + "\n" + logIndice++ + " - " + log;

API Documentation

Detailed API documentation is available here.


All our FAQs can be found in our git README