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Display privacy widget

You will find below all the stuff to have a floating privacy center or to micro-banner to put in the footer.

Reminder of Legislation

According to GDPR, it is mandatory to give the user the option to modify their choices at any time and in a simple way. You have two options:

  • Provide access to the CMP via a link in the footer or menu
  • Provide access to the CMP via our "Privacy Widget"

Privacy widget

The Privacy Widget AppConsent is a button that appears on your web page and allows the user to quickly interact with the CMP to manage their consents.

This is a simple and elegant way to allow your users to manage their consents.

Privacy Widget


Users have to be able to display the privacy center at will.

  • You can either implement on a link, for example:
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:__tcfapi('show', 2, function(){}, {jumpAt: 'privacy'})">Display the Privacy center</a>

If your website is created with aspx C# and .NET framework please use this :

<a href="#" OnClick="__tcfapi('show', 2, function(){}, {jumpAt: 'privacy'})">Display the Privacy center</a>
  • You can use the privacyWidget option on init.

This button can either be positioned inside a DOM Element by using the target option, or made floating by not specifying it.

In order for an Internet user to see it, a consent must have been given beforehand.

It exists in two colors, dark and clear.

Privacy WidgetPrivacy Widget


Floating widget

<script type="text/javascript">
__tcfapi('init', 2, function(){}, {
privacyWidget: {
color: 'clear',
position: 'bottomLeft',
text: 'Privacy center',

Placeholded widget

<script type="text/javascript">
__tcfapi('init', 2, function(){}, {
privacyWidget: {
target: document.getElementById('target'),
color: 'dark',
text: 'Privacy center',

bottomLeft will place the icon on the bottom left corner of your website.

bottomRight will place the icon on the bottom right corner of your website